Social Security fraud charges can be made when a person is suspected of stealing another person’s Social Security number. A person may also be charged with Social Security fraud if he or she uses illegal means when communicating with the Social Security organization to receive some sort of gain. The consequences of Social Security fraud can be vast and far-reaching.

Social Security Fraud Attorney – Your Charges

A person may be charged with Social Security fraud if he or she enters misleading material on a tax return form. For example, if a person claims an incorrect number of dependents, he or she may receive more money from the government. This would be a case of Social Security fraud, and if discovered, the person could face criminal charges. Duplicating, changing or constructing a counterfeit Social Security card is strictly prohibited. Any actions along these lines are grave federal offenses.

In some cases of Social Security fraud, an individual who oversees a beneficiary’s funds and assets misuses the money for personal benefit. Also, if a beneficiary dies and the recipient of the beneficiary’s money fails to disclose that information to the Social Security Administration, that person is using illegal means to receive government money. If discovered, he or she could face serious federal charges. Identity theft occurs when a person finds another person’s Social Security number and uses it to receive some sort of benefit. These benefits include any type of monetary advantage. Identity theft is a significant federal crime and could result in serious federal charges if not vehemently defended by a social security fraud attorney.

Defending Your Rights

If you are facing charges on Social Security fraud, you should not try to hide from the government. Avoiding your charges could be more disastrous than facing them. Instead, seek the help of an experienced attorney who will aggressively defend your rights.

My name is Robert M. Helfend, and I have been a federal defense attorney for more than 40 years. I am dedicated to securing the best possible outcome for each of my clients. Call my firm today and speak with an attorney about possible measures that can be taken in your case. Contact an attorney from my office today.

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